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Ireland's Austerity Addiction

How is austerity sustained by a political 'common sense' in Ireland and beyond?

Jun 12, 2018

Hello austerity readers! Today we have a presentation from Brendan O'Rourke and John Hogan (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland) on the political common sense of austerity, and crucially, what can be done to inject more debate into the topic. Brendan and John discuss various opportunities for articulating alternatives to austerity and its foundational ideas, such as building trust, providing honest, ethical, and publically oriented expertise, and providing alternative discourses and ideas. The authors spend time deconstructing what kind of rhetoric has been instrumentalized by austerity promoters and outline how to turn them on their head for more progressive possibilities.

You can find the presentation on our Research Page under 'Ideas & Advocacy'. We will post the full paper from O'Rourke & Hogan in the coming weeks!   

To learn more about these researchers and their work, check out their websites! and 

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